
[14-02-2025] Read The Promised Netherland

watched: 15.10.2023 - 04.02.2025
rating: 9/10
volumes: 20 ~ 181 chapters
tags: Body Horror, Primarily Child Cast, Found Family, Philosophy
more info: anilist

I finished reading the Promised Netherland about one week ago and I have to that I think its really fucking good.

I first started with the anime, I think when it released on Netflix. I really liked the first season but my anticipation and desire to watch it died immediately after having to wait for the second season. I watched the first episode of the second season after it came out and just stopped. I just didn't really care about the story anymore after they had already broken out of Grace Field.
My sister then started to buy way to many manga and she of course also bought The Promised Netherland. I started reading again because she wanted me to and again stopped at some random point. I continued about a few weeks ago and have read every day and even went to the library to get the last 5 volumes. Ok now I should probably talk about the manga and not myself.
The story starts of really strong in Grace Field House but then gets a little bit dragged and boring directly after they leave Grace Field. After that it picks up again especially in the last 3-5 volumes. The art is amazing especially the characters and demons. My two favorite characters would be picture of Mujika from The Promised Netherland Mujika, picture of Gillian from The Promised Netherland Gillian and picture of Ayshe from The Promised Netherland Ayshe.

It's overall a really good manga and I will definitely have to watch the anime again + the second season this time.